Screens III: A Summary of Technical Information
This booklet outlines the three most common uses of the Screens III and illustrates its research base with clear infographics.
BRIGANCE Early Childhood focuses on the skills that lead to school success.
Our early childhood screening and assessment inventories use observation, interviews, and child performance to pinpoint understanding in the domains tied to early development and school or kindergarten readiness. Test content aligns to the Common Core and many state-specific learning standards to equip educators with familiar information to fit their existing framework.
Educators use our products for screening and assessment in early childhood. Our inventories assist with identifying potential delays and giftedness, supporting referrals for services, and planning individualized instruction.
BRIGANCE Early Childhood programs include screens and inventories to support educators in understanding a child’s development and mastery of skills.
The Early Childhood Screens III, available in three age-specific volumes, evaluate the key predictors of school success. Each screen takes approximately 10–15 minutes per child and allows for comparison of performance to the cutoff scores for delays and giftedness, as well as to the performance of same-age children. Examiners use one Data Sheet per child per screening. Our screening tools address the domains of Physical Development, Language Development, Academic Skills/Cognitive Development, and Self-help and Social-Emotional Skills.
The Screens III OMS is an online system for managing children’s screening data. An easy-to-use graphical interface allows educators to access and review reports for individuals, classes, schools, and districts. The OMS generates a Screening Summary Report for each child that compares his or her raw score to the cutoff scores for delays and giftedness and provides normative scores for each domain assessed. The Group Screening Summary Report aggregates this information for analyzing data across groups.
Intended for examiners evaluating Spanish-speaking children, these resources provide a Spanish translation of the directions for administering the screens. Select the version that corresponds to the age of children being screened. Included with the directions are Data Sheets, parent feedback forms, and parent reports in Spanish.
The Screens III Technical Manual provides technical documentation for the Screens III. It includes information about administration procedures, interpretation of results, screening children at risk, monitoring progress and informing instruction, standardization methodology, the reliability and validity, and the sensitivity and specificity of the measure. Scoring tables are found in the Appendices.
The Readiness Activities instructional resource consists of more than 300 fun lesson ideas tied to skills assessed within the Early Childhood Screens III and the Inventory of Early Development III (IED III). Lessons target essential kindergarten readiness skills, use multiple modalities and manipulatives, and often include modifications or extensions. Educators use this resource to link kindergarten or preschool screening and assessment to developmentally appropriate instruction for each child.
Educators send these 10 short booklets home to give families a chance to partner in their child’s learning. Each booklet explains what the child is currently learning and includes ideas for at-home practice of early mathematics and literacy skills. Read-aloud book suggestions are also listed.
The Inventory of Early Development III—Early Childhood Edition consists of more than 100 assessments that cover a broad array of skills and behaviors in these key early learning and development domains:
Assessments in the IED III align to many established sets of early learning and state standards, including the Common Core, and are commonly used following screening to get a more in-depth understanding of a child’s skill mastery. The IED III assists early childhood professionals with identifying strengths and needs, evaluating school readiness, planning for individualized instruction, and writing instructional objectives. Examiners use one IED III Record Book per child for recording assessment data.
The Inventory of Early Development III Standardized consists of 55 norm-referenced assessments that allow educators to compare a child’s performance to that of same-age children in a nationally representative sample. Assessments cover a broad array of skills and behaviors in these key early learning and development domains:
The IED III Standardized is intended for use with children ages 0–7 and provides normative scores such as standard scores, percentile ranks, and age equivalents for children of these ages. Educators commonly use these scores, when indicated, to endorse a child’s eligibility for services. Examiners use one IED III Standardized Record Book per child for recording assessment results.
The IED III Standardization and Validation Manual gives the history and a technical explanation of the IED III Standardized. It includes information about test administration procedures, interpretation of results, standardization methodology, and the reliability and validity of the measure. Score conversion instructions, tables, and worksheets for the derivation of normed scores are found in the Appendices.
The BRIGANCE Early Childhood family consists of up-to-date early childhood screening and assessment tools based on the most current research.
This booklet outlines the three most common uses of the Screens III and illustrates its research base with clear infographics.
This infographic illustrates the impressive research behind these up-to-date developmental screening tools.
This infographic illustrates the impressive research behind this norm-referenced assessment.