How One Connecticut District Upended Its Math Curriculum to “Shift” with the Times

Stratford, CT

Stratford Public Schools Centers Rigor and Student Thinking

Not long after Harold Greist became the coordinator of math and STEM education for Connecticut’s Stratford Public Schools, he began searching for a new math curriculum that would help students meet the rigorous Connecticut Core Standards. His curriculum criteria included a strategic Grade 3 focus, a balance of question types, and high-quality teacher resources. After a yearlong pilot, Greist chose to adopt Ready® Mathematics from Curriculum Associates.


“The level of discussion has skyrocketed. Students are able to explain their thinking so much better. They can tell me all the ‘whys.’ They often joke with me and say, ‘Watch, she’s going to ask, ‘Why?’ again. That's her favorite word!’” Grade 3 Teacher, Stratford Public Schools