i-Ready Assessment

Standards Mastery

The Value of i-Ready Standards Mastery

i-Ready Standards Mastery is a digital assessment for Grades 2–8 that gives educators immediate insight into student understanding, progress, and needs in Reading and Mathematics. After using i-Ready Diagnostic for an overall picture of student performance, educators can use two prebuilt i-Ready Standards Mastery assessment forms—each known as a “Mastery Check”—to evaluate students’ performance on key academic standards.


Insightful Items Assess Knowledge and Skills

i-Ready Standards Mastery uses technology-enhanced items to focus on critical-thinking or process skills that may not be as easily assessed with multiple choice items. These items increase engagement by representing real-world tasks while aligning more closely to classroom instruction. See the i-Ready Standards Mastery brochure for examples.


Informative Reports Provide a Comprehensive Picture of Student Learning

Standards Mastery reports offer insight into student performance on specific standards within a classroom, school, or district. They also offer insight into how educators can target these skills in their teaching. For every standard that's assessed, teachers get helpful information about prerequisite skills, possible misunderstandings, and more. Teachers use these reports to determine opportunities for extended learning and reteaching.


Reasons Why Teachers Love Standards Mastery

With Standards Mastery, teachers can:

  • Use insights from the assessment to understand exactly where and why students need support
  • Reteach the standard (when necessary) until mastery is achieved
  • Assign an assessment to individual students or small groups to focus on any given standard