About Kyair Butts
Kyair Butts is a Grade 7 general education literacy teacher at Henderson Hopkins Partnership School in Baltimore City Public Schools in Maryland. Kyair has been in education for 10 years, dedicated to elementary or middle school literacy. He has served as a new teacher mentor at the school and district level in addition to writing curriculum for Urban Teachers (now recognized as City Teaching Alliance). He has led district- and national-level professional learning in diversity, equity, and inclusion and traveled the country on behalf of Wit & Wisdom as a program facilitator during his summers. Kyair was recognized by the Baltimore Urban Debate League as Coach of the Year in 2016 and for his teaching passion and excellence in 2019 as Teacher of the Year for Baltimore City Public Schools. Most recently, he was recognized by his graduate institution, Lesley University, for his commitment to career and community. Kyair received his undergraduate education from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, and his M.Ed. (elementary) and M.Ed. (special education) from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Kyair is motivated by his unrelenting passion for literacy and the undeniable possibility within every child.
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