SCCPSS Works to Improve Performance Scores
“For the first 40 minutes of the school day, students spend their time using the i‑Ready program. The principal says it's just one of several ideas that helped the students get their test scores up.”
For more than 50 years, Curriculum Associates has been proud to serve students and educators in the great state of Georgia. Today, our programs like i‑Ready support learning in half of the state's districts, increasing student achievement and equitable learning outcomes.
We love seeing good news from our Georgia partners. Here are a few recent highlights.
“For the first 40 minutes of the school day, students spend their time using the i‑Ready program. The principal says it's just one of several ideas that helped the students get their test scores up.”
“The most helpful aspect of [i‑Ready] was the rigor of the exam, giving students a wide exposure to tough questions,” Dotson said. He believes it helped the school’s Progress and Closing the Gap scores on the CCRPI.
“The lab utilizes an i‑Ready Diagnostic to assess students’ individual strengths and learning gaps. A combination of online learning tools and planned prescriptive lessons create tailored instruction that promotes growth across the five pillars of reading.”
Sustaining achievement for students with diverse needs . . . a cross-state visit with Clayton County and Douglas County schools.
“The math lesson I found to be the best and most memorable was one I taught with i‑Ready.” —Kindergarten teacher, Augusta
Take the tour and learn how Curriculum Associates and i‑Ready support educators and students.