i-Ready Assessment

Standards Mastery

Designed to Address the Rigor of TEKS and STAAR Redesign

i-Ready Standards Mastery in Texas

i-Ready Standards Mastery are flexible assessments designed to measure specific grade-level TEKS for Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) and Reading. Built to map to your scope and sequence, Standards Mastery assessments:

  • Quickly identify when reteaching is needed as standards are covered across the year
  • Pinpoint instructional priorities with detailed, skill-level data and intuitive item analysis

Technology-Enhanced Item Types

Many types of technology-enhanced items (TEIs) are included in i-Ready Standards Mastery. These items can provide a deeper understanding of student mastery of concepts, increase engagement, and are closely aligned to the STAAR Redesign’s new TEIs.

Student taking a mathematics assessment.


  • Short constructed response and text entry
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Dropdown menus
  • Graphing
  • Ordered list
  • Shading and hotspot
  • Selected response (i.e., multiple choice, multiple response, checklist)

Student taking a reading assessment.

ELA and Reading

  • Highlight text
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Inline choice
  • Choice matrix
  • Ordered list
  • Cloze (i.e., fill in the blank, text entry)
  • Selected response (i.e., multiselect and multipart)

Examples of Our TEIs

This is a sampling of the TEIs we offer. For more details, please contact your local Curriculum Associates educational consultant.

STAAR is a federally registered trademark owned by the Texas Education Agency and is used pursuant to license.