Title I Funding

Ensure All Students Meet Challenging State Academic Standards

Federal Title I, Part A formula funding supplements state and local funding to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity for a high-quality education and can meet state academic achievement standards. Districts use the funds to support schools with the highest percentages of students with socioeconomic disadvantages. Our assessment and instruction solutions provide educators with data to inform student placement decisions, offer explicit instructional advice, and prescribe resources for targeted instruction and intervention. 

Programs Aligned with Title I

Laptop and tablet showing i-Ready student lessons.

i-Ready Assessment and Personalized Instruction

Our award-winning i-Ready is designed to help each Grades K–12 student meet college- and career-ready standards. i-Ready pinpoints students’ strengths and areas of need and provides teachers with meaningful, actionable information for instruction and intervention.

Magnetic Reading and Magnetic Reading Foundations student books

Magnetic Reading

Our Magnetic Reading programs for Grades K–5 connect the art of teaching with the Science of Reading. The intuitive, systematic approach to instruction and rich, engaging texts draw students to the center of learning each and every day. Magnetic Reading programs ensure every student gets the right support for succeeding as a grade-level reader.


Ready Reading, Ready Math, and Ready Writing student books

Ready Mathematics, Ready Reading, and Ready Writing

Aligned to the standards, Ready Mathematics (K–8), Ready Reading (K–8), and Ready Writing (2–5) lessons can be used during whole class or small groups for grade-level instruction, as well as offering additional opportunities for differentiation, introducing new concepts, and reteaching specific standards.

Laptop showing the Teacher Toolbox.

Teacher Toolbox

With this digital collection of standards-based resources for Grades K–8, teachers get the tools they need to introduce new concepts, reteach standards, or help students learn prerequisite skills from earlier grades—and meet the needs of all learners. Teacher Toolbox is a wonderful complement to i-Ready or Ready or is available for use as a standalone classroom tool.

Phonics for Reading textbooks.

PHONICS for Reading

Authored by reading expert Dr. Anita Archer, this systematic, research-based intervention program accelerates instruction for struggling readers in Grades 3–12 by equipping them with the tools necessary to decode with confidence. PHONICS for Reading also ties seamlessly into i-Ready Assessment data, enabling educators to identify the population of students in need and the level of support each student requires.

Close up of teacher standing in front of whiteboard.

Professional Learning

In our courses, educators learn carefully developed practices to help them optimize the use of our programs from day one. Based on insights from our ongoing research, we scaffold knowledge and infuse proven instructional practices to drive student growth. We offer a powerful network of support for our educator partners.

Explore Success Stories

Hear from educators as they describe how they came to decide on and implement Ready and i-Ready in communities across the country.

Contact Us for Grant Support

Applying for funding to implement a Curriculum Associates program? The Grants team is here to assist you with:

  • Product Narrative: We can supply sample language describing our product and services for your application.
  • Customized Grant Toolkit: For selected funding opportunities, we can provide sample product narrative customized to the specific grant.
  • Grant Review: For select proposals, we can review your narrative with our product information and offer feedback on how the content aligns with the grant requirements/priorities.