Curriculum Associates Advisor Speaks to Language Magazine About ELL and the Common Core

Lori Helman, advisor to Curriculum Associates, shares her thoughts on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the teaching of English Language Learners (ELLs) in Language Magazine.

North Billerica, MA, July 16, 2012

Cutting to the Common Core
Language Magazine: How will implementation of the CCSS affect the teaching of ELLs?
Lori Helman:
The CCSS present a challenge similar to the one educators have faced in the past decade—how to take the diverse population entering schools and help each student meet the same rigorous achievement goals. The CCSS set a new bar of high rigor and critical thinking for all students. Foundational skills are the necessary building blocks in the process, but not the end goal. In particular, students who are learning to speak English at the same time they are learning their reading, writing, and content area in English will need access to concepts within the common curriculum, and teachers and specialists will need to find ways to scaffold this content. Here are some factors I see as influencing teaching practice and instructional planning: Read the full article.


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