Efficacy Research

Achievement and Growth for i-Ready Classroom Mathematics on Ohio's State Tests


  • Subject: Mathematics
  • ESSA Level: 2 - Moderate
  • State: Ohio
  • Grades: 3–5
  • Topic: Academic Achievement, Core Math
  • Study Year: 2021–2023
  • Program: i-Ready Classroom Mathematics

Published December 2024

This research paper studied the impact of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics (iRCL) on Ohio's State Tests for Grades 3–5 in Mathematics. Findings suggest that students, particularly in Grades 3–5 with access to iRCL curriculum outperformed students who did not have access to the curriculum. 

This study evaluated the difference in achievement and growth between students with access to the iRCL curriculum in the 20222023 school year compared to similar students who do not have access to iRCL. This research evaluated these differences using the Ohio State tests (OST) in Mathematics and the i-Ready Diagnostic. iRCL students outperformed non-iRCL students in both OST mathematics scores and proficiency rates while also showing higher achievement and growth on the i-Ready Diagnostic.  

Of particular importance are positive differences among students whose schools identified as economically disadvantaged and students who identify as Black and Hispanic. In Grades 3–5, these students experienced higher OST scores and rates of proficiency on the OST. Findings support a student-centered approach to mathematics as represented by iRCL. 

This study was designed to meet the standards for ESSA Level 2 evidence.  

Meet the Authors

Jeffrey Yo.

Jeffrey Yo

Associate Research Scientist

Curriculum Associates
Gregory King.

Gregory King

Associate Director of Efficacy and Implementation Research

Curriculum Associates

Mariah Serrano

Statistical Analyst

Curriculum Associates