Efficacy Research

The Impact of Magnetic Reading Foundations on Early Literacy Skills


  • Subject: Literacy
  • Grades: K–2
  • Topic: Early Literacy
  • Study Year: 2023–2024
  • Program: Magnetic Reading Foundations

Published October 2024

In this study, the efficacy team at Curriculum Associates examined the impact of Magnetic Reading Foundations (i.e., "MRF") on Grades K–2 students’ reading scores on the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment and the i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading. Models estimate students who use MRF score an average of four points higher on end-of-year DIBELS and nine points higher on the end-of-year i-Ready Diagnostic than similar students who do not receive MRF instruction. In a sample of students who began the year with similar scores on these pretest measures of reading, students from classrooms that used MRF demonstrated greater Typical Growth and Stretch Growth® than students from classrooms using other curricula and materials. The rigorous design of this study meets the criteria for ESSA Tier 2 evidence.

Meet the Author

Molly K. Duncan, Ph.D.


Curriculum Associates

Molly Duncan, Ph.D., is a research scientist at Curriculum Associates. She studies the efficacy of Curriculum Associates products and how they’re used in real classrooms. Previously, she worked in program evaluation at a large public school district and in university research labs focused on early reading and writing. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Georgia State University.