Driven by Educator Feedback

Curriculum Associates’ CEO Rob Waldron says: “The truest measure of our success is not our bottom line but our impact on classrooms. This higher purpose fuels our growth, informs product development, and defines our culture.”

Because educator feedback is so critical to our work, we prioritize resources at various stages of a district implementation to be sure educators and students are getting what they need from i-Ready. Please take time to review the results of some recent quantitative and qualitative research and learn why educators prefer i-Ready to other assessments.

i-Ready Assessments Teachers Use.

i-Ready Outshines Other Assessments

In early 2020, Hanover Research found that i-Ready significantly outperformed other leading assessments in four ways that are particularly critical to educators and students.

Helping Students Become “CEOs of Their Own Learning”

Alignment to state standards, individualized student paths to proficiency, and teacher-led resources. Read why Kansas City Public Schools selected i-Ready. The vote was unanimous!