Science behind the Diagnostic: How It Works and What It Means
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that measures key content domains in Mathematics and Reading in Grades K–12. It is designed to provide accurate and actionable data to help educators guide students toward continued growth.
What the Diagnostic Measures
The i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading and for Mathematics measures the concepts critical to preparing a student for grade-level success.
How the Diagnostic Works
The computer-adaptive i-Ready Diagnostic assessment has specific test flows, stopping rules, and other characteristics that make it an efficient and rigorous measure of student learning.
FAQ: What is the test flow of the i-Ready Diagnostic for Reading?
Test flow is the order in which students receive test items from each domain on the
FAQ: What is the test flow of the i-Ready Diagnostic for Mathematics?
Test flow is the order in which students receive test items from each domain on the
i-Ready Diagnostic’s Assessment Duration
The amount of time it takes a student to complete the Diagnostic can vary by grade, subject, and other factors.
Understanding the Difficulty and the Duration of the i-Ready Diagnostic
This document explains the level of difficulty of the i-Ready Diagnostic, the time it takes to complete the assessment, and how these elements help precisely determine what a student knows and can do.
i-Ready: Aligned with the Science of Reading
i-Ready Assessments and i-Ready Personalized Instruction are aligned with the Science of Reading in a number of ways.
Get the Facts: Assessing Phonological Awareness beyond Grade 1
Improper interpretation of screening data can lead to the misidentification of students in need of reading intervention. The link below offers information about why Phonological Awareness should not be the preliminary screening measure for students in Grades 2 and up.