BRIGANCE Early Childhood.


Mississippi Department of Education logo.

Mississippi Kindergarten Screener

Background Information

Requirements for Assessment and Screening in kindergarten involve a continual evaluation through a variety of techniques, procedures, and tools to determine each child’s needs. It is recommended that students who show deficits on developmental screenings be given an intervention, which may be administered and documented by the classroom teacher. The student can then be given a follow-up screener to determine if the intervention was successful. If the student has not made sufficient progress, an additional intervention may be put in place, or the student may be referred for an evaluation for special education services, if data collected supports the suspicion of a disability. When making a referral, districts should follow their Child Find procedures.

Kindergarten Recommendation for Implementation

The BRIGANCE Screens III is recommended to be used as a readiness screener for all children in Grades K–1 to determine areas of strength and areas of improvement. For more detailed information on kindergarten assessment and screening, visit the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Early Childhood: Kindergarten Guidelines (2018) at

Training Information

You will find a video introduction to the BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screens III (25 min.) here.

Teacher/Staff Screening Tools

Child Page for Visual Motor Skills Subtest

Self-help and Social-Emotional Scales

Scoring Tools

Sharing Screening Results with Families

  • Sharing Screens III Results with Families—2-Year-Old—Grade 1: English | Spanish

Screening Children with Special Considerations


Common Core State Standards to EC Screen III (K Screen)

Online Management System (OMS)

The Screens III OMS is an online system for managing children’s screening data. An easy-to-use graphical interface allows educators to access and review reports for individuals, classes, schools, and districts. The OMS generates a Screening Summary Report for each child that compares their raw score to the cutoff scores for delays and giftedness and provides normative scores for each domain assessed. The Group Screening Summary Report aggregates this information for analyzing data across groups.

Download the BRIGANCE OMS brochure.

See the BRIGANCE Screens in Action!

Five-Year-Old Screening Video Clips (11 min.)

Watch this clip to see the rapport between an examiner and a 5-year-old during screening.


Contact Information

BRIGANCE Early Childhood Screens III

If you have questions/comments about:

  • Materials
  • Content
  • Administration directions
  • Scoring
  • Interpreting results

Curriculum Associates Customer Service, (800) 225-0248, option 4 or

BRIGANCE Online Management System

If you have questions/comments about:

  • Technical questions/issues (such as inability to access, difficulties printing reports, etc.)
  • Guidance on using the features, including Observations and Family Connections, as well as reading/interpreting reports
  • Timeliness, deadlines, requirements for entering data into the OMS
  • Infinite Campus questions

Grace McGrane,, (800) 225-0248, option 6