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What Can We Learn from Fall Assessment Data?

As the school year begins across the country, our Research team is exploring two critical questions on almost every educator’s mind: How far behind are my students? and What can I do to help them? While fewer students were ready for grade-level work when they returned to school this year, our early i-Ready Diagnostic results offer several reasons for optimism.

Understanding Student Needs:
Early Results from Fall Assessments

This research brief provides educators with an in-depth look at fall placement data. In our early analysis of i‑Ready Diagnostic tests taken in school, we found that while more students are starting the year below grade level, the differences are not as dire as many predicted.


Quantifying COVID Learning Loss: 
At-Home Testing Raises Questions

Preliminary findings suggest that students testing at home are performing better than students testing in school on the i-Ready Diagnostic. This media release provides a snapshot of fall 2020 findings.

Looking to learn more about the research behind i-ReadyClick here.