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Research brief titled "i-Ready Efficacy: Research on i-Ready Instruction Program Impact."

i-Ready Meets ESSA Evidence-Based Requirements

Students receiving i-Ready Personalized Instruction experienced remarkable gains compared to the control group.

  • The Curriculum Associates Research team analyzed data from more than one million K–8 students who took the iReady Diagnostic in the 2017–2018 school year.
  • In both Reading and Mathematics, students who used iReady Personalized Instruction experienced substantial learning gains compared to students who did not use the program.
  • i-Ready Personalized Instruction meets the criteria for the United States Department of Education as an evidence-based program. This means that iReady may be eligible for School Improvement Funds and other federal and state grant programs.

To learn more about how students achieve greater growth with iReady Personalized Instruction, download the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) efficacy research brief.