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As you make plans to address unfinished learning, here are some additional resources to consider.

1. Balance Prerequisite Skills with Grade-Level Instruction

This fall, teachers will be facing more students below grade level than ever before, and an even greater diversity of strengths and needs. While grade-level instruction is necessary to be proficient, we know students must have the necessary prerequisite skills to be successful. So how do you balance both?

i-Ready’s new Prerequisites report for Mathematics and instructional resources for English Language Arts are designed to help teachers be precise and focus efforts on the most critical skills. Teachers will be guided to which prerequisite skills to focus on so they can make one combined strategy to address both skill recovery and grade-level instruction.

2. Understand the Size of Impact of Extended School Closures

The first step to addressing learning gaps is to understand exactly where students are. How have grade-level placements changed? Are fewer students at grade level than expected? i-Ready’s intuitive reports allow you to quickly see the performance of classes overall as well as individual students. 


3. Set Ambitious but Realistic Goals

Knowing that many students will begin this year behind grade level means that goals based on norms will not be enough. When goals are based on averages, students who start further behind finish further behind. Instead, students need ambitious goals that will close gaps and put them on a pathway to proficiency.

The i-Ready Diagnostic provides two growth measures—Typical and Stretch. Typical is the average growth for a particular student based on where the student started the year, while Stretch is the amount of growth needed to get that student on a pathway to proficiency. These ambitious goals are more important now than ever before.