i-Ready Personalized Instruction

i-Ready Personalized Instruction Mathematics lesson.
Personalized Instruction for Mathematics

Explore Personalized Instruction and lesson reporting in Mathematics. Our estimated runtime for lessons on average is 20–40 minutes. There is built-in adaptivity for students finding success or struggling with a given skill to efficiently meet the needs of the individual student. Students may do multiple lessons in a day. i-Ready will save their progress through each lesson, even if they don't complete a lesson in a single sitting.

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Would you like to experience i-Ready Classroom Mathematics ©2024 as a student, teacher, or administrator? Please reach out to request access!

Rebecca Teel.

Rebecca Teel

(916) 838-2303
Educational Sales Consultant—Central Valley, North, and Central Coast
i-Ready Partners
Curriculum Associates

Jennifer Burchard.

Jennifer Burchard

(503) 260-9454
Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Partnerships
Portland, OR
Curriculum Associates