Good Readers Are Good Thinkers! Teaching Executive Skills to Support Successful Reading

In This Webinar

Find out why students who often have the necessary skills to become good readers may still need support to understand what they’re reading. This episode will teach you how to develop your students’ executive skills to help them form the foundation for successful reading comprehension.

About Our Literacy Experts

Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D.

Dr. Cartwright is a professor of psychology, neuroscience, and teacher preparation at Christopher Newport University, directs the Reading, Executive Function, and Development Lab (READLab), and is a research scholar for the Center for Education Research and Policy. Cartwright studies the neurocognitive and affective factors that underlie reading processes and difficulties from preschool through adulthood. She regularly works with educators throughout the US to better understand and improve reading, and these experiences inform her research.

Make an Impact with Our Curriculum Aligned to the Science of Reading

Provide explicit, systematic instruction for students at all levels.

Magnetic Reading

Grades 3–5, Supplemental

Spark engagement and increase confidence with systematic foundational skills instruction that moves students from foundational skills to reading fluency. 


Phonics for Reading

Grades 3–12

Accelerate learning for older learners who need a targeted approach to master decoding with an effective, efficient, and easy-to-follow program by Dr. Anita Archer.


i-Ready Assessment

Connect precise Diagnostic data to Personalized Instruction that’s engaging and easy to use.