Title IV Funding

Leverage Technology to Advance Students’ Academic Achievement

The goal of Title IV, Part A, also known as the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program, is to improve students' academic achievement by increasing school district capacity to provide all students with access to well-rounded educational experiences, improve school conditions for student learning through safe and healthy initiatives, and increase access to personalized, rigorous learning experiences supported by technology.

Programs Aligned with Title IV

Laptop and tablet showing i-Ready student lessons.

i-Ready Assessment and i-Ready Personalized Instruction

Our powerful, digital, blended learning platform for reading and mathematics combines a valid and reliable assessment suite with instructional resources targeted to each child’s specific academic needs. i-Ready Personalized Instruction earned the Research-Based Design Product Certification from Digital Promise. The new product certification is a rigorous, reliable signal for school administrators, educators, and families looking for evidence of research-based educational technology (edtech) products.

i-Ready Classroom Mathematics Student Worktext and Digital Student Worktext.

i-Ready Classroom Mathematics

Through a blend of purposeful digital and print components, our K–8 core program makes mathematics accessible, increases student engagement, and builds confidence. We leverage technology to support teachers and help students connect to mathematics in new ways.

Laptop showing the Teacher Toolbox.

Teacher Toolbox

With this digital collection of standards-based resources for Grades K–8, teachers get the tools they need to introduce new concepts, reteach standards, or help students learn prerequisite skills from earlier grades—and meet the needs of all learners. Teacher Toolbox is a wonderful complement to i-Ready or Ready or is available for use as a standalone classroom tool.

Close up of teacher standing in front of whiteboard.

Professional Learning

Our professional learning infuse proven instructional practices to drive student growth, supporting educators as they accelerate learning for all students. We offer onsite and digital learning options and a powerful network of support for our educator partners.

Explore Success Stories

Hear from educators as they describe how they came to decide on and implement Ready and i-Ready in communities across the country.

Contact Us for Grant Support

Applying for funding to implement a Curriculum Associates program? The Grants team is here to assist you with:

  • Product Narrative: We can supply sample language describing our product and services for your application.
  • Customized Grant Toolkit: For selected funding opportunities, we can provide sample product narrative customized to the specific grant.
  • Grant Review: For select proposals, we can review your narrative with our product information and offer feedback on how the content aligns with the grant requirements/priorities.